Epidote-amphibolites are metamorphic rocks derived from mafic igneous rocks that form in warm subduction zones and in continental shear zones. They develop during crucial stages of subduction initiation when the interface is thought to 'unzip' and the subduction zone becomes self-sustaining, and also in transform systems that host transient creep events like slow slip and tremor. Here we characterize microstructures of exhumed epidote-amphibolites from the Oman Drilling Project drill site BT1B to determine their operative deformation mechanisms, and discuss implications for strain localization during subduction initiation and creep transients.
This project was part of Laurens Kleijbeuker's MSc thesis at UU -- congrats, Laurens, on submitting your first first-author paper!
Read it and tell us what you think! This manuscript is currently under review in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.