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Courses co-taught at Utrecht University:

  • Deformation, Metamorphism, and Tectonics (2nd year BSc)

  • Field Geology and Pyrenees Orogenesis (2nd year BSc)

  • Structural Analysis of Deformed Rocks (MSc)

  • Introduction to Earth and Environment (University College Utrecht)

Initiatives for Improving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:

Teaching Philosophy & DEI Statement

I believe that students maximize their potential in inclusive learning environments where cultural, ethnic, and intellectual diversity thrives. A key goal of my teaching is to enable students to develop a positive relationship with the scientific process and discourse. To achieve this, my courses incorporate multiple contexts and perspectives, amplify cultural and intellectual diversity, and foster inclusion and accessibility by using a variety of blended strategies for student learning and assessment.

I build student-centered guided learning around earth-systems thinking. I commonly use material (rock) and physical (tectonic) cycles as course scaffolds, and emphasize the interconnectedness of mechanical and chemical processes across time and spatial scales.

The Kotowski Group values diversity, equity, and inclusion, and acknowledges that systemic injustice and inequity, including racism, has excluded many people from equal opportunity and access in Geoscience and STEM more broadly. We welcome all races, gender identities, national origins, sexual orientations, and disability statuses in our group.

Teaching & Outreach

Alissa is passionate about teaching in the classroom and the field, and about bringing the field into the classroom! She has several ongoing projects related to increasing equity and accessibility of field learning.

Field Teaching

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